Saturday 27 December 2014


Why the White Rose Turned Black

Beautiful things are born not made. Take the rose, with its thorny stem and white bud. Not always but sometimes the unlikeliest things are pure, as are the most beautiful, and this rose white as it was held no thorns. As a solitary bud it had no outside influences and as such stayed pure as the snow that landed on it mind November when all roses perished and were not seen again until spring.

What if next spring another pure white rose grew a tight bud before it blossomed fully and beside it grew the more brazen red roses, four of them bright and decadent. They attracted others to them and delighted in their trashy beauty and tried many times to influence the pure, white bloom. What if there was a girl called Rose whose hair was blonde, her face pale and she wore a white gown. What if she was considered the purest girl in the land. She had no others to influence her, only a mother and father who were as pure in heart as her. As soon as it became time for her to be taught the ways of the world.

Rose attended school where other girls the same age would sit at desks listening to the teacher scrawl on the blackboard on such topics as math, science and English. When the girls got bored, not Rose of course, they chattered amongst themselves, incurring their teacher's wrath in the form of a board rubber projectile thrown in their direction as punishment. Detention was what she ordered and Rose got placed in one room along with four other girls who were less pure than her. Soon their brazenness and decadence rubbed off on her.

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