Friday 22 July 2016


Playing Doctor
Aiden Bates

Jonah escaped the life of a typical small-town omega. He got a scholarship to art school in New York City. He’s traveled. He’s seen the world. He’s built a spectacular art career for himself, and he even married a beta instead of being claimed by an alpha. When his husband left him, turning him and their infant son out into the street, he had no choice but to return to his hometown of Saranac, New York.

He still has his career. His social life is a shambles for two and a half years until an accident brings him face to face with the handsome new E.R. specialist in town. Unfortunately, Jonah’s ex-husband has just arrived in town, looking to re-connect with his son. What’s an omega to do?

Book Information:
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services
Pages: 164
Previewed by: Sandra Scholes

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